360 Beauty

Monday, September 16, 2013

360 beauty

Be aware 360 beauty of how you communicate and well thought out strategy are essential to being an effective Communicator and influence.

We can see so many different people in a typical week, 360 beauty we can't have just a fad or the communication style. Your boss, your direct report (s), its partners, clients, colleagues - they all need and expect different things from you. Be able to communicate properly and meet these needs will make your life easier 360 beauty!

I call this 360 ° communication and here are some tools and techniques that can be used to deal with these different groups of people:

(1) Your boss

He is expected to do its work, that's why 360 beauty you hired then when they interact with you, they want to hear about what you did above all things finish that will make your life easier.

• Keep positive - 360 beauty if you have a challenge so that you have a solution as well as

• No surprises - both as you can say them, honesty 360 beauty is always the best policy. If it is a real mistake, then admit it, be honest and his manager there may be an opportunity to prepare for the consequences. According to whatever, your manager can be both in line it has as well as its ally against his enemy 360 beauty

• Be inclusive - don't complain about other people to your boss. Not to be seen to be selfish or servile, is not attractive and unique does not seem desperate. As the "actor" who can only laugh people poking fun at others; be 360 beauty credible and well what you're doing without having to slandering his colleagues

(2) Your direct report

As you want to impress your boss, your direct subordinates will want to do the same with you, or in your high-performance direct reports will be less 360 beauty. They also need something in return, they need to hear your part of the information about the company, they need to know how to fit their work and contributing to the larger image. He also needs to know that you care about them and their development. Many things huh? Here are some easy ways you can respond to these needs 360 beauty:

• Adjust the temperature of the communication - establish regular briefings with the team to inform them of what is happening in the enterprise, within his Department and even the industry. Let them know that open communication is a given and that you are committed to share things with them and give them the opportunity to share their own ideas 360 beauty.

• Implement regular interviews of the commitment - these must be only once a quarter, or perhaps twice a year depending on the number of people you have on your computer. Spend at least 1 h, individual direct addressing subordinates what they are passionate about it that they like your work, can facilitate your life, why they remain with the company 360 beauty. This information is like gold dust and will give you great ideas how your team can be more productive and how to keep their participation.

(3) Your customer

This may be one of the most 360 beauty difficult of managing relationships because it's positive influence, no positional power. You must rely on your personal power - traits that you Excel and become a person that his client wants to do business. Be a person of integrity, who can rely on that to do a good job. Build a reputation based 360 beauty on the success and the delivery. Be an expert in your field and use their knowledge and network to add value to your customer. Everything good in theory only, so how it puts this into practice:

• Be a skilful researcher - ask a lot of questions, gather information 360 beauty and really understand your customer needs that have and where can help and bring added value. I have a question of strategy - think questions asked at the next meeting, use open-ended questions to encourage your client to talk and share and be sure to allow enough time 360 beauty to make it feel hurried and as the Spanish Inquisition

• Know your lifestyle - all have a preferred style of communication. Some of us, such as data, other relationships of value; Some like to make decisions and do it quickly and others prefer all angles and make a more informed decision, for a period of time 360 beauty. There is no better way, but we have more in common with some

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